Miss Romania Anna Maria first runner up in miss Europe 2021

I am proud that these days I represented Romania at the Miss Europe 2021 international beauty pageant that took place in Beirut, Lebanon. And I won Miss Europe 2021 first runner up 2nd place. The beauty camp started on March 22, 2021, I was in Lebanon with 15 other girls from countries such as Cyprus, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Portugal, Armenia, Germany, Switzerland, Georgia, France, Poland, Turkey. Every day we had various activities such as rehearsals, actions to promote various sponsors: beauty clinics, dental clinics, restaurants, beauty salons, fittings for choosing dresses. There were 10 intense days of preparation for the evening of the April 1 contest. The contest lasted about 4 hours with rehearsals such as evening dress, national costume, Little Black dress. The members of the jury voted. Miss France won. Miss Romania took 2nd place, first runner up.
Concursul a fost organizat de Style Events organizațion cu sponsori precum compania de producție Wise Production din Dubai , King Rolodex din Liban. Style events organization organizează concursuri de frumusețe la nivel internațional dim anul 2000. Au organizat concursuri precum Miss NexT Top Model, Miss Europe, Miss Tourism Intercontintal, Miss Arab University. Anul acesta castingul a avut loc online in fiecare țara datorită restricțiilor impuse de Corona virus.